It has been hard work, but with a good result: our new website is live. A new look for a familiar group accommodation. Everything is up-to-date, with many new photos, our new features are... Read more
Our accommodations have a name! They are called 'De Vaarsche Hoef', 'Hoeve Nolleken' and 'Hoeve Ter Hofstad', after the middle age farm houses (in Dutch 'Hoeve') which were situated nearby a few centuries ago. The multipurpose com... Read more
Period |
2022 |
2023 |
Weekend (Fri 18.00h - Sun 18.00h) Half midweek (Mon 11.00h - Wed 10.00h OR Midweek (Mon 11.00h - Fri 11.00h) Week (Sat 14.00h - Sat 10.00h) * Eastern (Fri 18.00h - Mon 18.00h) |
46,50 46,50
108,00 64,00 76,00 at request 5,00 |
49,50 49,50
111,00 64,00 |
*) During summer period (week 27-32)
All prices per person (accommodation only). Prices include gas/water/electricity, endcleaning and VAT. Touristtax not included (€1,35 p.p.p.n.) Youth groups (age up to 18 years and max. 1:5 adults) are excempt form tourist tax.
The use of an indoor facility, such as the congresshall or music-basement or sportshall, is included. For all accommodations we have a minimum rental price.